Sunday, June 7, 2009

Getting Ready to Go!

Hi Everyone!

Mitch and I are one month away from leaving for our big summer trip to Ecuador, and I thought I would try to set up a blog to easily update everyone.

Mitch and I will be in Montanita, Ecuador for 4 weeks. We will each be staying with a different family and taking 4 hours of Spanish lessons each day, as well as an hour and a half of surfing lessons.

We are currently looking to book a 1 week trip to the Galapagos Islands for a week in August. We are then planning to spend a few days in the economic hub of the country, Guayaquil, before returning back to Toronto August 16.

We don't know what internet access will be like in Montanita, but I will update you all through this blog whenever possible!

1 comment:

  1. your trip sounds awesome already, especially the 1.5hr of surfing lesson EACH DAY. better put up some youtube video of you surfing it up!

    btw, you know what's really cool? your blog is called Emily in Ecuador...which is kind of going with the trend of the other indys who are also travelling.

    Andy of Australia:
    Eric of England:
    Alfred of America:
