Saturday, July 18, 2009

Miguel's Perspective II *PG13 Rating*

Mitch wrote this a couple days ago but it has taken me awhile to post it. Sorry!

As I am writing this i am also itching a million mosquito bites that i have received since my last post...i think it is from at night wearing sandals and shorts so i have now switched to pants and shoes, i counted over 20 bites on one foot so ive had some crazy itching attacks...ive had some good adventures the past few days...

i went training with one of the surfers here (entranada) and we started at 9 am...we jogged down the beach with his dog, but soon anotherdog started following his dog, in montanita none of the dogs are snipped, so i was jogging behind a massive set of dog balls, which come into play we jog for about15 minutes and the dogs are about 100 meters ahead of us, all of a sudden hamiltons dog stops which is a female and the other dog, with the big balls, starts humping hamiltons dog...hamilton does not want his dog to have babys so he sprints to get the dog off his dog, luckily he does in time..but then both dogs continue to run and continue the festivities...therefore my job was the scare the male dog away while he was protecting his most of our training was seperating the was pretty interesting.....

another confusing moment i had was in my montanita there are always people comign and going in the house, so i am still not sure who even sleeps there and who doesnt..anyways one of the house daughters who i thought was very young was talking with me at the dinner table...there is a little baby in the family who is 3 months old and i thought it was the older sisters baby or the mothers...i found out the hard way it we are talking she pulls out her "teet" and the baby starts sucking away....just as i am sucking on a big shrimp this happens...i dont know what i was more shocked at that the baby was hers, or that her teet was right infront of me as i was eating...but i ate as fast as i could and off i went

good news and bad news also happend this week...i graduated from the big board to the small board in surfing so that is pretty cool...but i switched spainish classes from the one im in to the one iw as in last week for the next two with one of the teachers i like so that is good, then nextw eek i will start my private lessons one on one with a teacher...

met two locals who had a 4 x 4 off road vehicle so they let me drive it up and down the beach which was prettycool, except that the dogs chase after you which is kind of scary. anyways they took me to the look out point, and on top of it is the church of santa maria which overlooks the other city and beach, it was very nice, here is a picture of the point from afar:

we then came all the way back across town via road, which was interestign because the vehicle was made for sand, so the traction on the cement wasnt too good, and the drop off the road was pretty large so got scared a couple times...we entered into the city nextt o montanita which doesnt have the tourist income that montanita does...i wanted to see one of the houses so they took me to one and they werent living in t the best condition, their stove consisted of one burner, and the kitchen table was a peace of wood, and the seats were bricks with a plank of wood ontop...made me thankful that i was living with a more well off family in montanita, and a better one at home! but it was interesting the see the different types of culture...all the people in the city were just as happy as the ones in montanita.

did some salsa lessons last night, im sure emily will put pictures of this up...i had the suave movements going and then we grabbed some mojitos on the beach and continued to salsa with some of the locals and other students...surfing this week is at 8 am so not too many fiestas durign teh week...surfing hungoveris not so much fun.

anyways i am off for now
sorrry for all the typos but this keyboard is shit.

hope all is well in torontooooooooooooooooooo

Em and Mitch during the salsa lesson:

Mitch and Savana dancing during the salsa lesson:

Emily and Oswaldo (Mitch´s brother) dancing on the street after the salsa lesson:


  1. Hey Mitch and Emily - thanks for the info - the holiday sounds like it gets better and better all the time!
    Stay safe

  2. I put my comment under the wrong story....look at older comments....I'm getting it now....
    Auntie Em

  3. You two will be ready to audition for Dancing With the Stars (or maybe that should be Dancing Under the Stars). Mitch, you had a course in animal husbandry (without paying for one at Guelph)! All sounds like you are still enjoying all your adventures. And we'll be watching for more blogs.

    G&G in GTA
