Saturday, August 29, 2009

Galapagos Part VII

Saturday - Santa Cruz

In the morning we took a bus to Los Gemalos (The Twins). These are 2 big lava tube craters very close to each other. We hiked around and saw some birds. The Darwin woodpecker was popular with the ladies, but Mitch liked the Galapagos Dove the best. It has bright blue eyes.

Galapagos Dove:

We then mountain biked (mostly downhill thank goodness) to the main national park area where we could see land iguanas being bred. This is also the home of Lonely George, the last Giant Tortoise of his species. So far he has been unable to mate, which is very sad. Here we also learnt a lot about the islands formation, movement (they move 6-8 inches each year!!), and currents (there are 4 or 5, making each island a different temperature and home to different animals).

Me with yet another Giant Tortoise:

Mountain Biking (I could never work my gears properly, the expression on my face remained there the whole ride):

Mitch posing as a Giant Tortoise...better hope no real ones come looking for a mate...:

We then had some time to walk around the city. A very small fish market was a highlight, because there were so many different birds and sea lions all around trying to get some fish, and we could see them really close up.

Blue Footed Boobie up close and personal:

A hungry sea lion:

This was our last day on the cruise, and we spent one more night on the boat before the trip was over.

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